= ' The first section is the most important section. We need to answer the following questions
Tell me everything you can about your business
= 'We will create up to 4 lengthy pages as well as a Contact Us and Privacy Policy page
For each page, we need to agree
You can choose from a range of powerful plugins and third party software that we can integrate into your website such as
= 'We optimise your website so Google will index you correctly.
We build your website around a main key phrase, this is usually what you do and where you do it eg. Plumber in Godstone.
= 'Remember, the more localised your target area, the lower the competition and the greater chance you have of getting a good high position in the search engine results pages
Knowing this information helps us to
= 'Tell us who you regard as your biggest competitors onine. This helps us to:
= 'We are building this website for your customers
You know these people.
Help us understand:
= 'Give ue the address of any social media sites that you use.
With fb and tw we can adda feed right onto a webpage. You can also auto-post page updates to fb and tw too. hh_blog = '
Custom contact forms are invaluable, powerful tools they
We have FREE database driven content system (which we call a blog) but can be used in many different ways.
You can easily create any kinds of content, assign it to categories, assign dates and allow searching
A blog gives your website an authentic voice. You can receive moderated comments from your users and it adds huge SEO benefits.
= 'Send us any files. Including:
that you want us to use.
= 'A great 4 page website needs at least 20-30 high resolution, professional images.
We partner with Adobe, the best stock image library available. These are included FREE in our service. We licence them to be used on this website only.
I will do some research and send you a little gallery of suggested images. Let me know which ones you like and dislike.
You can also browse the library yourself.
Just give us the 11-digit File ID number which starts with a ##hash.
= 'Videos can make a statement but can slow your site down. To keep you site fast, we compress and optimise all We add background videos taken from our video stock library, Videoblocks
= 'Are there any websites that have caught your eye you like the look of? This doesn't have to be in your industry.
This help me understand what looks good to you.
= 'The tricky part of my job is trying to learn how you want the website to feel. Which of these words capture you ideal website.
Are there any colours that you really want to use (or perhaps colours that you want me to avoid ?
How do you feel about the text having a little bit of movement when you scroll ?. There are many different types of movement I can add.
= 'Use the scratch pad on the right to catch anything that 'crops up' that the writer should know about.
You will use this when you do your verbal writer handover
Encourage the client to THINK ABOUT the three sections below and if possible, ask him to jot down some notes to help him with his interview.